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Press under threat like never before: Sean Donlon

The press in Ireland is threatened today as never before, the chair of the Press Council, Seán Donlon, has said. Addressing a meeting of the Association of European Journalists in Dublin, Mr Donlon said there were two main threats: the first was posed by tech...

Press Council Chair to address members’ meeting

Seán Donlon, the Chairman of the Press Council, will be our next guest speaker for our lunch (1pm) on Friday, 13th October, 2017, at Buswells Hotel, Dublin 2. Seán Donlon has had a distinguished career in both the public and private sectors.  His public sector career...

The future of food: Origin Green

Address byTara McCarthy, CEO, Bord Bia, at AEJ lunch. Through Origin Green, the entire food industry is measuring its sustainability performance. The aim is to set a baseline against which to measure future improvements. Each week, a team of over 100 auditors...

Critical minds for critical times

  Address by Jon Williams, Managing Director, News and Current Affairs, RTE, at Speakers’ Lunch, Buswells Hotel, Dublin, on Friday, 12th May, 2017. In 1984, the editor of Colombia’s El Spectatador newspaper, Guillermo Cano wrote “Only the independence, the...