News in the AEJ
What is going on in the AEJWar in the Ukraine, the situation in Kosovo and AI dominated the 2023 AEJ Congress in Vlore, Albania
By Tim Ryan, Treasurer, Irish Section EU enlargement in the Western Balkans, the situation in Kosovo and the war in Ukraine were the focus of the Annual Congress of the 2023 AEJ in the southern Albanian city of Vlora from 25 – 28 October. In addition, the question of...
Charlie Flanagan TD speaks to the AEJ
Friday, 13th October, 2023 Grand Canal Hotel, Dublin I inherited my father’s seat. I am part of one of these dreadful dynasties Irish politics is noted for; but I can say from my own perspective it was never really like that. It wasn’t inheriting the seat - it...
Rory Montgomery Speaks to the AEJ
22nd September 2023 Rory Montgomery Chairman of the Press Council and Director on the Steering Commttee of the Arins Project, shaping the future of Ireland The problems facing the Good Friday Agreement are rooted in political fundamentals. But could changes help put...
Wesley Boyd R.I.P.
By David Davin Power Wesley Boyd served as Head of News in RTE during the most violent years of the Troubles, and was widely credited with maintaining the reputation of the station for impartiality and even-handedness during a period of intense political turmoil. He...
Rory Carroll talks about his bestselling book “Killing Thatcher,” the lead up and the aftermath of the Brighton bomb in 1984.
I wanted the readers to enter these different worlds — even within the IRA there were these different subcultures, and likewise with the police and the Tories and the people around Thatcher — to see how they all experienced the Troubles. It’s not about shifting...
Speech by the Minister for Justice, Simon Harris TD, to mark World Press Freedom Day
Thursday, 4th May, 2023 Firstly, I would like to thank the Association of European Journalists for inviting me here today to mark the 30th Anniversary of World Press Freedom Day. Thank you for the invitation to be here to discuss the reforms of...
Comments by Press Ombudsman, Susan McKay.
Friday 10th March, 2023. The office of the Press Ombudsman is independent. It is not a statutory body. Many people make the mistake of somehow thinking we are connected with the State because we are recognised in law under the Defamation Act. In fact, we are...
Comments by An Garda Síochána Commissioner Drew Harris, at the RDS Members Dining Room, Friday 14th October, 2022
Leading members of the Kinahan crime organisation are more likely to be taken down by international policing authorities than face justice in Dublin, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris stated. Mr Harris said the granting of permission by the High Court this week to seize...
Visit and address by the British Ambassador Paul Johnston, Friday 10th June, RDS, Dublin
The British Ambassador Paul Johnston and AEJ Secretary Eileen Dunne with Mahnoor Choudhry, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin winter of the 2022 Smedias award for best article on an EU theme. The prize of €1,000 is sponsored by the EU Representation Office in...
AEJ members visit UCC and hear at first hand the challenge of Brexit
Professor Anand Menon addresses issues on Brexit is Director of the UK in a Changing Europe, a unique initiative funded by the Economic and Social Science Research Council based at King’s College London. The UK in a Changing Europe aims to make the findings of...